Wednesday, January 18, 2017

"his universe is all of 8 inches"

Go ahead, be offended.

It's your right. The particular monk I had in mind when I began to assemble the junk might be offended too. But most of his lady friends tell me that the offensive part was about the only thing he had going for him anyway.

I have a Canadian friend who is a big fan of Ikkyu. He quotes the master, "his universe is all of 8 inches," or 6, or 10 depending on the nuances of certain Japanese linguistic traditions, or envy, or greed.
I had several choices for disembodied penises when I set out to paste one on. I don't recall choosing a really big one because it was big.
So go ahead, be offended. It's your right.

The Buddha in the background is by Kerouac. Now that's the truth -- and sexy. Right?

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